A #SockClub Summer Scavenger Hunt.
Win $100 worth of Sock Knitting Supplies
The Facts
1. #SockTrip2014 starts May 24th and runs through Sep 1st.
2. The Knitter who earns the most points by Sep 1st wins!
How it Works
1. Take your sock knitting with you as you enjoy your summer.
2. Find as many of the 100 Scavenger Hunt items as you can!
3. Snap a picture of your sock knitting by, at, on, or with an item on the list.
5. Earn Points for each photo submitted:
- 1 Point: Picture of your sock project with the item on the list
- 1 Bonus Point: Include yourself in the photo
- 5 Bonus Points: If it’s one of our Sock Club patterns
- 10 Bonus Points: Include a finished pair of Socks in your photo.
6. Point rankings are posted weekly.
1. Grand Prize: $100 worth of Sock Yarn and supplies
2. Runner-Up: $50 worth or Sock Yarn and supplies
3. 2nd Runner-Up: $25 worth of Sock Yarn and supplies
4. Everyone that submits photos will be recognized and get HUGE bragging rights!
- Approved photos will be recognized on our social media sites.
- Participants will be recognized in our newsletter and social sites.
The Rules
1. Photos must be in good taste, and will be disqualified if found to be inappropriate.
2. Only one listed item per photo.
3. Photos must clearly show both the item and the sock knitting project, and may not be altered.
4. Must be over 18 years old.
5. This contest is open to all member's of Yarn Mountain’s #SockClub.
6. No purchase is required to participate.
7. Participation serves as consent to share photos from the scavenger hunt on our social media pages.
Sock Club Members can pick up the Scavenger Hunt List in the Pattern Database HERE.
New to #Sock Club? Join in Here.